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Pro features unlocked
>= 16.0
Achieve your language learning goals with Promova! Get real-life vocabulary, fun illustrations, bite-sized lessons, quizzes, listening and speaking practice, books, and much more on an educational journey based on your needs and interests. Why Promova? 9 languages Learn English, Spanish, ...
Dear language learners, We're excited to share two big updates in this latest version of Promova! Introducing the "For You" tab: Finding the right content for your language learning just got a lot easier. This tab serves as your personal ...
Pro features unlocked
>= None
Superplay lets you quickly create beautiful social content for your music. Here's how it works: 1. Add a song. 2. Pick a video style and customize it. 3. Post the video on social media. Be an artist, not a content ...
Bug fixes
Pro features unlocked
>= 13.0
Superplay lets you quickly create beautiful social content for your music. Here's how it works: 1. Add a song. 2. Pick a video style and customize it. 3. Post the video on social media. Be an artist, not a content ...
Bug fixes